Docker 安装 Tomcat
方法一、docker pull tomcat
查找 Docker Hub 上的 Tomcat 镜像:
可以通过 Sort by 查看其他版本的 tomcat,默认是最新版本 tomcat:latest。
此外,我们还可以用 docker search tomcat 命令来查看可用版本:
itpon@itpon:~/tomcat$ docker search tomcat NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATED tomcat Apache Tomcat is an open source implementa... 744 [OK] dordoka/tomcat Ubuntu 14.04, Oracle JDK 8 and Tomcat 8 ba... 19 [OK] consol/tomcat-7.0 Tomcat 7.0.57, 8080, \"admin/admin\" 16 [OK] consol/tomcat-8.0 Tomcat 8.0.15, 8080, \"admin/admin\" 14 [OK] cloudesire/tomcat Tomcat server, 6/7/8 8 [OK] davidcaste/alpine-tomcat Apache Tomcat 7/8 using Oracle Java 7/8 wi... 6 [OK] andreptb/tomcat Debian Jessie based image with Apache Tomc... 4 [OK] kieker/tomcat 2 [OK] fbrx/tomcat Minimal Tomcat image based on Alpine Linux 2 [OK] jtech/tomcat Latest Tomcat production distribution on l... 1 [OK]
itpon@itpon:~/tomcat$ docker pull tomcat
等待下载完成后,我们就可以在本地镜像列表里查到 REPOSITORY 为 tomcat 的镜像。
itpon@itpon:~/tomcat$ docker images|grep tomcat tomcat latest 70f819d3d2d9 7 days ago 335.8 MB
方法二、通过 Dockerfile 构建
itpon@itpon:~$ mkdir -p ~/tomcat/webapps ~/tomcat/logs ~/tomcat/conf
webapps 目录将映射为 tomcat 容器配置的应用程序目录。
logs 目录将映射为 tomcat 容器的日志目录。
conf 目录里的配置文件将映射为 tomcat 容器的配置文件。
进入创建的 tomcat 目录,创建 Dockerfile。
FROM openjdk:8-jre ENV CATALINA_HOME /usr/local/tomcat ENV PATH $CATALINA_HOME/bin:$PATH RUN mkdir -p \"$CATALINA_HOME\" WORKDIR $CATALINA_HOME # let \"Tomcat Native\" live somewhere isolated ENV TOMCAT_NATIVE_LIBDIR $CATALINA_HOME/native-jni-lib ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}$TOMCAT_NATIVE_LIBDIR # runtime dependencies for Tomcat Native Libraries # Tomcat Native 1.2+ requires a newer version of OpenSSL than debian:jessie has available # > checking OpenSSL library version >= 1.0.2... # > configure: error: Your version of OpenSSL is not compatible with this version of tcnative # see (and following discussion) # and ENV OPENSSL_VERSION 1.1.0f-3+deb9u2 RUN set -ex; \\ currentVersion=\"$(dpkg-query --show --showformat \'${Version}\\n\' openssl)\"; \\ if dpkg --compare-versions \"$currentVersion\" \'<<\' \"$OPENSSL_VERSION\"; then \\ if ! grep -q stretch /etc/apt/sources.list; then \\ # only add stretch if we\'re not already building from within stretch { \\ echo \'deb stretch main\'; \\ echo \'deb stretch/updates main\'; \\ echo \'deb stretch-updates main\'; \\ } > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/stretch.list; \\ { \\ # add a negative \"Pin-Priority\" so that we never ever get packages from stretch unless we explicitly request them echo \'Package: *\'; \\ echo \'Pin: release n=stretch*\'; \\ echo \'Pin-Priority: -10\'; \\ echo; \\ # ... except OpenSSL, which is the reason we\'re here echo \'Package: openssl libssl*\'; \\ echo \"Pin: version $OPENSSL_VERSION\"; \\ echo \'Pin-Priority: 990\'; \\ } > /etc/apt/preferences.d/stretch-openssl; \\ fi; \\ apt-get update; \\ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openssl=\"$OPENSSL_VERSION\"; \\ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \\ fi RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \\ libapr1 \\ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # see$TOMCAT_MAJOR/KEYS # see also \"\" ( ENV GPG_KEYS 05AB33110949707C93A279E3D3EFE6B686867BA6 07E48665A34DCAFAE522E5E6266191C37C037D42 47309207D818FFD8DCD3F83F1931D684307A10A5 541FBE7D8F78B25E055DDEE13C370389288584E7 61B832AC2F1C5A90F0F9B00A1C506407564C17A3 713DA88BE50911535FE716F5208B0AB1D63011C7 79F7026C690BAA50B92CD8B66A3AD3F4F22C4FED 9BA44C2621385CB966EBA586F72C284D731FABEE A27677289986DB50844682F8ACB77FC2E86E29AC A9C5DF4D22E99998D9875A5110C01C5A2F6059E7 DCFD35E0BF8CA7344752DE8B6FB21E8933C60243 F3A04C595DB5B6A5F1ECA43E3B7BBB100D811BBE F7DA48BB64BCB84ECBA7EE6935CD23C10D498E23 ENV TOMCAT_MAJOR 8 ENV TOMCAT_VERSION 8.5.32 ENV TOMCAT_SHA512 fc010f4643cb9996cad3812594190564d0a30be717f659110211414faf8063c61fad1f18134154084ad3ddfbbbdb352fa6686a28fbb6402d3207d4e0a88fa9ce ENV TOMCAT_TGZ_URLS \\ #$TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz \\ # if the version is outdated, we might have to pull from the dist/archive :/$TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz \\$TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz \\$TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz ENV TOMCAT_ASC_URLS \\$TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz.asc \\ # not all the mirrors actually carry the .asc files :\'($TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz.asc \\$TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz.asc \\$TOMCAT_MAJOR/v$TOMCAT_VERSION/bin/apache-tomcat-$TOMCAT_VERSION.tar.gz.asc RUN set -eux; \\ \\ savedAptMark=\"$(apt-mark showmanual)\"; \\ apt-get update; \\ \\ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends gnupg dirmngr; \\ \\ export GNUPGHOME=\"$(mktemp -d)\"; \\ for key in $GPG_KEYS; do \\ gpg --keyserver --recv-keys \"$key\"; \\ done; \\ \\ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends wget ca-certificates; \\ \\ success=; \\ for url in $TOMCAT_TGZ_URLS; do \\ if wget -O tomcat.tar.gz \"$url\"; then \\ success=1; \\ break; \\ fi; \\ done; \\ [ -n \"$success\" ]; \\ \\ echo \"$TOMCAT_SHA512 *tomcat.tar.gz\" | sha512sum -c -; \\ \\ success=; \\ for url in $TOMCAT_ASC_URLS; do \\ if wget -O tomcat.tar.gz.asc \"$url\"; then \\ success=1; \\ break; \\ fi; \\ done; \\ [ -n \"$success\" ]; \\ \\ gpg --batch --verify tomcat.tar.gz.asc tomcat.tar.gz; \\ tar -xvf tomcat.tar.gz --strip-components=1; \\ rm bin/*.bat; \\ rm tomcat.tar.gz*; \\ rm -rf \"$GNUPGHOME\"; \\ \\ nativeBuildDir=\"$(mktemp -d)\"; \\ tar -xvf bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz -C \"$nativeBuildDir\" --strip-components=1; \\ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \\ dpkg-dev \\ gcc \\ libapr1-dev \\ libssl-dev \\ make \\ \"openjdk-${JAVA_VERSION%%[.~bu-]*}-jdk=$JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION\" \\ ; \\ ( \\ export CATALINA_HOME=\"$PWD\"; \\ cd \"$nativeBuildDir/native\"; \\ gnuArch=\"$(dpkg-architecture --query DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)\"; \\ ./configure \\ --build=\"$gnuArch\" \\ --libdir=\"$TOMCAT_NATIVE_LIBDIR\" \\ --prefix=\"$CATALINA_HOME\" \\ --with-apr=\"$(which apr-1-config)\" \\ --with-java-home=\"$(docker-java-home)\" \\ --with-ssl=yes; \\ make -j \"$(nproc)\"; \\ make install; \\ ); \\ rm -rf \"$nativeBuildDir\"; \\ rm bin/tomcat-native.tar.gz; \\ \\ # reset apt-mark\'s \"manual\" list so that \"purge --auto-remove\" will remove all build dependencies apt-mark auto \'.*\' > /dev/null; \\ [ -z \"$savedAptMark\" ] || apt-mark manual $savedAptMark; \\ apt-get purge -y --auto-remove -o APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant=false; \\ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \\ \\ # sh removes env vars it doesn\'t support (ones with periods) # find ./bin/ -name \'*.sh\' -exec sed -ri \'s|^#!/bin/sh$|#!/usr/bin/env bash|\' \'{}\' + # verify Tomcat Native is working properly RUN set -e \\ && nativeLines=\"$( configtest 2>&1)\" \\ && nativeLines=\"$(echo \"$nativeLines\" | grep \'Apache Tomcat Native\')\" \\ && nativeLines=\"$(echo \"$nativeLines\" | sort -u)\" \\ && if ! echo \"$nativeLines\" | grep \'INFO: Loaded APR based Apache Tomcat Native library\' >&2; then \\ echo >&2 \"$nativeLines\"; \\ exit 1; \\ fi EXPOSE 8080 CMD [\"\", \"run\"]
通过 Dockerfile 创建一个镜像,替换成你自己的名字:
itpon@itpon:~/tomcat$ docker build -t tomcat .
itpon@itpon:~/tomcat$ docker images|grep tomcat tomcat latest 70f819d3d2d9 7 days ago 335.8 MB
使用 tomcat 镜像
itpon@itpon:~/tomcat$ docker run --name tomcat -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/test:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/test -d tomcat acb33fcb4beb8d7f1ebace6f50f5fc204b1dbe9d524881267aa715c61cf75320 itpon@itpon:~/tomcat$
-p 8080:8080:将主机的 8080 端口映射到容器的 8080 端口。
-v $PWD/test:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/test:将主机中当前目录下的 test 挂载到容器的 /test。
itpon@itpon:~/tomcat$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND ... PORTS NAMES acb33fcb4beb tomcat \" run\" ...>8080/tcp tomcat